IPST, a recognized healthcare institution located in Portugal, decides to adopt the Biolog-id Transfusion solution following a tender awarded to Biolog-id in December 2023.
Paris, France (December 15th , 2023) – Instituto Português do Sangue e Transplantação (IPST), is a Portuguese entity responsible for ensuring and regulating, the activity of transfusion and transplant medicine. At a national level, IPST is responsible for the donation, collection, testing, processing, preservation, storage and distribution of human blood, blood components, organs, tissues and cells of human origin.
IPST oversees approximately 60% of blood collections in Portugal.
In 2019, IPST submitted a project for European funds using RFID for traceability of nationally produced plasma to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the logistics associated with the National Strategic Program of Human Plasma Fractionation. The associated goal was to reduce operations, handle time and the number of operators required, as well as to ensure the reliable and complete traceability of the fresh frozen plasma units.
This is genuine recognition of Biolog-id’s technology by the European community. In December 2022, an international call for tenders was launched to execute the project of traceability of plasma processed at IPST blood centers, which includes:
– Traceability of plasma for the fractionation industry
– Traceability of therapeutic plasma (inactivated and quarantine) to be sent to hospitals.
The proposed objective was to monitor from transport validation process of plasma units to storage in IPST blood centers, the shipment and reception procedures with temperature monitoring and the possibility. This would be achieved through the interface with BECS (ASIS), to automatically perform the internal movement of stock and production for the fractionation industry.
It is also intended the control of the pathogen inactivation process and quarantine of plasma for therapeutic purposes and their shipment to hospitals. Finally, it is requested an analysis tool for the information that allows the treatment of the information generated in the different processes.
The project, approved in 2020, also did include the traceability of plasma produced at the hospitals with plasma collection and processing, and the shipment of these plasma units to IPST blood centers and the fractionation industry.
“We are very happy with the adoption of the Biolog-id Transfusion Solution in IPST,” said Philippe Jacquet,
Executive Director of Sales EMEA/LATAM at Biolog-id. “The adoption of our technology by IPST blood centers is an important milestone in demonstrating the impact of our technology in Portugal and its support to the fractionation industry.”
The tender awarded to Biolog-id in December 2023 will include the supply of tags, RFID equipment and BDS applications needed for the implementation of these processes. The installation is scheduled to start first quarter of 2024.
About IPST
In 1958, the first organic structure responsible for the exercise of Transfusion Medicine was created, called National Blood Institute (INS). In 2012, the Portuguese Blood Institute was renamed Instituto Português do Sangue da Transplantação, I.P. (IPST).This new institution IPST, resulted from the merger of the former Portuguese Blood Institute, the former Histocompatibility Centres, located in Lisbon, Porto and Coimbra, and also part of the now extinct Blood and Transplantation Services Authority, all competences previously attributed to these entities came under the responsibility of IPST.
The Regional Blood Centers (Centro de Regionais de Sangue – CRS) are assigned the operational competencies of collection, processing, distribution, and technical supervision. The regional areas of operation of the Regional blood centers are based in Lisbon, Porto and Coimbra, as described below:
– Centro Regional de Sangue de Lisboa – reference to the Health Regions of Lisbon and Vale do Tejo, Alentejo and Algarve. In the south of the country, in Algarve, Faro, there is the Algarve Functional Area for Blood (Área Funcional de Sangue do Algarve), which depends on the CRS in Lisbon, and processes all the blood collected by the hospitals in the region.
– Centro Regional de Sangue do Porto – reference to the North Region of Health.
– Centro Regional de Sangue de Coimbra – reference to the Central Region of Health.
IPST URL: https://www.ipst.pt/index.php/pt/
About Biolog-id
Biolog-id develops value-chain optimization solutions that create, collect, and consolidates high quality data to drive operational, commercial, and clinical impact for high-value high-impact health products. Biolog-id’s patented platform is used by multiple customers in the US, Europe, Middle East, India, and Asia Pacific.
Biolog-id URL: www.biolog-id.com
Contact: Diane Muller, diane.muller@biolog-id.com