Paris, France (June 20th, 2022) – Blood Transfusion Administration Services (BTAS), Kuwait, has selected Biolog-id and its local partner, Advanced Technology Company (ATC), to implement the Biolog-id Transfusion solution for all blood components: Red Blood Cells, Platelets and Plasma.
Over the last few months, and under the supervision of Dr Reem Al-Radwan*, Director of BTAS, Biolog-id and ATC have started to implement the Biolog-id Transfusion solution, with the ultimate objective of a nationwide deployment across this Emirate.
The first phase of implementation is in its final stage and will give all blood donation branches (Kuwait Central Blood Bank (KCBB), Shaikha Salwa cord blood centre and Adan blood centre), and seven remote locations (including mobile collection buses) under the umbrella of the system.
The main objective, through RFID technology, is to impact three application areas: global real time inventory visibility and management across several centers, guarantee blood products integrity during their processing and transportation.
“We are very pleased of BTAS strategic decision to implement Biolog-id Transfusion Solution, aiming at a leading edge mastery of their so vital blood component resources” said Philippe Jacquet, Executive Director of Sales EMEA/LATAM at Biolog-id. “The success of this implementation is a testament to our close partnership with Advanced Technology Company (ATC) and to their commitment to support this major project.”
BTAS, Biolog-id and ATC are currently defining the plans for the second phase designed to expand visibility to blood components across both the entire blood components value-chain and the Emirate.
About Blood Transfusion Administration Services
BTAS mission is meeting the country’s needs of the patients for safe, high quality and provision of all transfusion services under the supervision of the government represented by the Ministry of Health as a non-profit organization. Kuwait Central Blood Bank (KCBB) is accredited member with the American Association of Blood Banks (AABB) since 1989 and is participating in the College of American Pathologists (CAP) since 1994.
BTAS URL: https://kuwaitcentralbloodbank.wordpress.com/
*Dr Reem Al-Radwan got the Arab Award for Blood Transfusion service from the Arab Authority for Blood
Transfusion services of the council of Arab Ministers of Health.
About Advanced Technology Company
ATC is a medical equipment supplier to the Kuwait healthcare sector since 1981. Over time, the Company has become the leading distributor and marketer of state-of-the-art healthcare and environmental products and services.
ATC URL: https://www.atc.com.kw/
About Biolog-id
Biolog-id develops value-chain optimization solutions that create, collect, and consolidates high quality data to drive operational, commercial, and clinical impact for high-value high-impact health products. Biolog-id’s patented platform is used by multiple customers in the US, Europe, Middle East, India, and Asia Pacific.
Biolog-id URL: www.biolog-id.com
Contact: Diane Muller, diane.muller@biolog-id.com